American Standard Toilet Bowl

Ideal Merchandise carry variety of American Standard Toilet Bowl in Singapore. Our collection includes Acacia SupaSleek with CrystaSleek seat and cover, Signature close-coupled toilet, Milano One-piece water closet, Neo Modern One-piece and Close coupled Toilet Bowl, Compact Codie Close coupled water closet and Acacia SupaSleek Wall Hung Toilet Bowl.

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| One-piece Toilet Bowl | Close-coupled Toilet BowlWall Hung Toilet Bowl |

American Standard One-piece Toilet Bowls

American Standard Acacia Supasleek One piece Toilet Bowl-CL20075-6DASGCBTAmerican Standard Acacia Supasleek One piece Toilet Bowl-CL20075-6DASGCBT

Acacia SupaSleek CL20075-6DASGCBT

One-piece Toilet
Size: 747 x 345 x 634 mm
S/P-trap: 305 mm / 190 mm

American Standard Milano One-piece Toilet CL20415American Standard Milano One-piece Toilet CL20415

Milano CL20415-6DACTCB

One-piece Toilet
Size: 760 x 422 x 707 mm
S/P-trap: 305 mm / 190 mm

American Standard Neo modern one piece toilet CL25315-6DACTCBAmerican Standard Neo modern one piece toilet CL25315-6DACTCB

Neo Modern CL25315-6DACTCB

One-piece Toilet
Size: 740 x 374 x 730 mm
S-trap: 390 mm, P-trap: 190 mm

American Standard Close-coupled Toilet Bowls

American Standard CYGNET HYGIENE RIM Close coupled Toilet CL26255

Cygnet Hygiene Rim CL26255-6DACTCB

Close Coupled Water Closet
Size: 381 x 680 x 807 mm
S-trap: 305 mm

American Standard Signature CL26225 Back to wall Toilet

Signature CL26225-6DAPHCB

Close Coupled Back to Wall Toilet
Size: 406 x 684 x 780 mm
S-trap: 305 mm

American Standard Acacia Supasleek-Close Coupled Toilet-CL23075-6DASGCBT

Acacia SupaSleek CL23075-6DASGCBT

Close Coupled Toilet
Size: 741 x 385 x 741 mm
S/P-trap: 305 mm / 190 mm

American Standard Codie Compact_CL24075 Close coupled Water Closet

Compact Codie CL24075-6DASGCB

Close Coupled Toilet
Size: 680 x 386 x 782 mm
S/P-trap: 305 mm / 190 mm

American Standard Neo Modern_CL26305 Close coupled Toilet

Neo Modern CL26305-6DACTSG

Close Coupled Toilet
Size: 710 x 376 x 792 mm
S-trap: 305 mm , P-trap: 190 mm

American Standard Wall Hung Toilet Bowl

American Standard Acacia SupaSleek CL31197 wall Hung toilet

Acacia SupaSleek CL31197-6DACTPTN1

Wall Hung Toilet
Size: W376 x L555 x H360 mm

American Standard Signature Wall-Hung Toilet CCAS3140

Signature (CCAS3140-3W20400F0
+ CCASC119-U20U420C0)

Wall Hung Toilet
Size: L550 x W382 x H362 mm

American Standard CL31057 Concept Nuovo Wall Hung Toilet

Concept Nuovo CL31057-6DACTPT

Wall Hung Toilet
Size: W365 x L560 x H352 mm